A Spiritual Person

Is there a difference between a spiritual person and a spiritualist?

A spiritual person is usually defined as such by a spiritualistic medium or member of a spiritualistic group. In this context they are pointing out that they perceive the person to be given particularly strong psychic or spiritualistic gifts and they often point out that the person is now in surroundings where they could take advantage of the wisdom around them. It is often suggested that they begin to develop their gifts by attending various development circles and courses.

A spiritual person could be defined as one who displays naturally, great compassion and understanding of others regardless of potential psychic or mediumistic potentialities.

Spiritualists who form groups of like-minded people to promote these gifts for the benefit of others have become labelled as such through the very structure of the organisation. It is not necessarily so that they are automatically elevated into the upper realms of soul development.


Humans having a spiritual experience but spirits having a human one.

Spirit is around you every minute of your life. Most of you are totally unaware of this except maybe some experiences of proximity during childhood.

You grow into a hard unforgiving world where cares and fears drive you into a harsh reality which has few boundaries. Only at traumatic points in your lives are you likely to recognise the spiritual aspects of your life. In extremes you know you are more spirit that physical body. Very often at death there is an utter acceptance of spirits.


Spirit Entry

When does spirit enter a fetus? At conception? Before birth or sometime in between?

As you are beginning to realise, there are no hard and fast rules in the spirit world. Nothing happens without the framework of the great intelligence.

Choosing a birth parent is a long and complicated process. There is personal choice but not in every case. Many spirits are involved in the process of choice and what seems imminent is sometimes denied at the last moment. The vast computer that encompasses all the progress of souls has to be accounted for. Spirit can enter the body at any stage of the development of the new human and can indeed be withdrawn again prior to birth. Not all miscarriages therefore involve loss of a soul. Some are merely shedding of the biological matter.

The spirit denied entry or that which is only allowed a short habitation has to begin the whole process once more demanding patience and what you call time. Choosing to be reborn is a matter of expression of freewill, but cannot be organised without help and cooperation of other spirits. Consider the matter of linking the aspiring soul and the soul who opts to be their guide for their entire lifetime.

Do not forget to try to link with your guide in your life’s journey. You are on a journey together even if most of your time on this earth your guide is acting more as an observer than a participant.



It has always been so.

We move from life to life usually with reluctance to iron out bad habits’ bad tendencies, low inclinations, and vicious ways.

Along the way we learn to savour sparks of high feelings, good intention, the expression of love and compassion, forbearance, tolerance.

In time we strive to favour in our lives the development of those positive actions and thoughts.

We reach higher and wish to reject negative actions and emotions. We would like to conclude this life with a feeling of a life well lived.

The most important factor should be not so much how we have spiritually developed within ourselves but how much we have influenced and nurtured others on our common paths.

It has been said that on higher planes, we come to realise that it is not our individual spark that is the complete picture in reaching the final goal. Those on a higher plane must send down a ladder for others to ascend or their journey will not continue upwards.

 It is not an individual striving of a small spark of some but a vast light of higher consciousness reaching upwards.

May you strive with such a light in your current life.



Thou shalt – thou shalt not.

Over the centuries the church has proclaimed over the limits of our spiritual behavior.

It is neatly boxed up and so straight forward.

Live this life with all its temptations good deeds and sins.

What follows is a place called purgatory where we stand quaking before a fatherly and stern godhead who judges us and divides us neatly into two – those past redemption and cast out to suffer torments such as only earthly man could devise or those supplied with heavenly wings and a harp on which they presumably hone their musical skills ever lastingly. Maybe the other place would be more interesting and stimulating.

Not so say the spiritualists.

You die and are usually met by blissful loving beings and relatives, supplied with rest and healing if necessary - allowed to wander at will and survey wondrous colours, places, buildings and sparkling rivers. We can visit and enjoy previous earthly favourite places at will.

We are taken to a place of self-assessment. We survey our lives and judge ourselves. Maybe another incarnation is in order to learn those lessons we still haven’t covered. Maybe we desire to come back in an incarnation destined to teach, lead and help others.

Those who desire it may opt to stay in the upper realms to draw on the wealth of knowledge and learning which is available. They can desire to help those recently passed over. They can opt to be guides, healers and spirit helpers – communicators.

There is a dark place. It is occupied by those who led dark lives, harmful to others. They have created their own hell and struggle to come to terms with it. Some re-incarnate without choice, some eventually reach towards a light requesting help. This is responded to and their spiritual pathway feebly begins.  

Better to immerse yourself in that striving spiritual light while incarnated. Learn the lessons of the soul while in the most efficient classroom of life.


Paganism And Spiritualism

It matters not what form the quest towards spirituality takes.

Mindfulness of spirit in whatever form and conforming to whatever ritual is a spirit on a path of seeking and knowledge.

The passing of the seasons which we need to experience, marks the small passages of time which the mortal is forced to take note of.

This allows an enrichment of life with each passing year.

A noticing of the rise and fall of life’s growths and retardations forms a picture in miniature of the pulsating patterns of the reaching of the soul into the upper realms.

Take note of the power of the seasons and accept all they offer equally.


Levels Above And Below

Because of the method of dissemination through the internet not being so freely available to the ‘man in his home’ their writings which could offer too much hope, knowledge and comfort to so many could really be of vital importance.

We do not presume to be able to record the ‘secrets of the universe’ from a-z, from alpha to omega.

This is because we too are limited in our perceptions of knowledge.

There is ‘above and below’ as it were.

We have experience below and some of us no longer need to return but we reflect and wonder on the return of what lies before us in the ‘above’.

All we know is that it is a good and positive thing to which to aspire.


Judgement And/Or Self Judgement

Quote ”The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”

This implies that we are not masters of our own spiritual development. This implies that we stand quaking on the other side before an entity which would delight in thrusting us backwards off our path, that would treat us as a wayward child, a child that could only progress under the watchful and critical eye of a stern father.

Nothing is further from the truth. We arrive there and are greeted and comforted, embraced and cocooned in rest if all seems too much or if we need to recover from trauma.

Eventually we are allowed to wander at will taking in delightful surroundings and continuing activities which interested us in life. We can observe those we have left behind.

Loving help is always at hand. If we call for help out of need or curiosity, we are shown halls of learning, halls of past records. We can take stock and begin to analyse the impact of the behaviour we exhibited in our past life and the effect that has had on our soul.  

We see that the Great Spirit is not a personalised God but a gentle divine energy working through advanced souls and other minions. Help suffuses down through those entities to the soul in need, to help them to take decisions on their future experiences, to realise the impact of their previous actions. Nothing there is hidden, all lies before you. Self-criticism and self-analysis takes place and those around help with decisions on the next likely step. Whether it be working there for spirit or taking on another life mantle.


There is knowledge of such things but it is arcane. Not too much can be revealed until the development of man’s soul in the world is at a point where it can be revealed. Your soul will know more when you re-join us on this plane. We can say that there has been over the eons, a change in the mind-set of humans. Look back for instance in the difference of thinking and intuition and certain knowledge within the brain over the last 500 years. There was a strong development in previous civilisations, but from the earthly standpoint, these edifices wax and wane. Mankind is currently emerging once more out of the dark cloak of blind obedience and superstition.

March on mindfully.


Do Animals Have A Soul?

All of creations sentient animals have souls.

They are placed on earth to express the earthly forms of spirits as are humans.

They are innocent.

They do not need to develop spiritually on this plane. A dog for instance cannot be NAUGHTY. It will be following some natural playfulness or survival instinct.

They are partly here for humans to develop compassion.

They are part of the food chain which seems to display cruelty but is necessary for their survival and they are intimately bound up with the karmic health of mother earth itself.

They suffer and sacrifice themselves for the development of humans.

A most compassionate human might not eat or hunt them for sport.

If they are forced to kill animals for their survival a good human tribe will give thanks to the spirit of the animal and not waste any part of the animal which can be used such as fur, bones, meat, fat etc

It is said the higher the sentience of a particular animal, the more individual their soul is.

A domestic animal being the most developed. A herd animal or insect group are likely to be operating within a group soul.

Tribal people only take enough for their needs and respect the spirit.

We in a modern society should try and do the same.



Some say that war is a dismal and shocking waste of human life and progress.

Some say war is romantic and enabling.

This is not necessarily so. It is a speeding up of some soul’s progress. There is a finite amount of living space for the human condition on earth. Some souls having been through the horror and succumbed on the battlefield arrive resentful and therefore have difficulty accepting what they have been through as a life learning process.

Experience of conflict is indeed part of the karma of the soul. Those arriving in an angry state who feel their life’s path was cut short are given loving and wise help from those here specialising in this guidance from one soul to another.


The Power Of Spirit

How can it be possible for so many like minds to coordinate themselves to such an extent as to achieve such astonishing results?

The answer is the power of the spirits and their need, sometimes a desperate need, to offer consolation to others left behind.

To offer them hope and healing and the joyful certainty of the continuation of spirit.

The greater the striving and an expression of love, the more that can be achieved.

Healing too, so entrenched in the mind-set of the old ones and so thinly scattered now on the earth plane.

The practice of healing, like prayer, is available to all mankind.

With both disciplines, the consciousness of humans is raised to a level which is so attuned to what all souls should experience after passing through from mortal life.

 Both so helpful for a soul struggling to come to terms with what they have and will still achieve or experience both negative and positive.


The Place

Why don’t you find the place that inspires you the most? It could be a place of reality or attractive surroundings accomplished by meditation.

Bask there in sensory ease and write of productive dreams, ideas, opinions, poems and lyrical descriptions.

When you attempt, we are there as you are so well aware. Mediumship, proof of life’s pathway leading to realms undreamed of, cannot be subjugated by the opinion of society. Many who seek the comfort of the knowledge of continued existence will at the right time, be given their answer. We radiate love, knowledge, healing and provide so many answers to so many questions.

Could you truly say that some established religions could provide detailed and striking evidence or are you more likely to be offered vague hope and indefinite prognoses? This world is more real than an incarnate could possibly imagine. Look forward to it.


The Many Realms Above

You have this week empathised with someone in a situation of justified and frustrated anger. We will strive to change the situation and please send thoughts and requests concerning this.

You notice the closeness of the small blackbird. Dog, cat, bird can show a surprising harmony when they are all enveloped in a loving surrounding. We will try to influence the consciousness of the neighbour with the rifle and his intent against doves. Send us help in this direction.

Every week you are going to a place which is harbouring a true example of harmony combined with rational thinking and which seems such a powerhouse of love projected and healing and communication achieved. This place represents a microcosm of the utopia which the earth plain could be but was not designed to be. Without negativity, war, want, pestilence etc it would not be possible for souls to develop.

The plane above is merely a resting place and a sphere of self-appraisal. What follows is likely to be reincarnation of a taking on of further duties in the spirit world. It is hard to put into earthly words the nature of the many realms ‘above’ but all life force strives to progress towards this indescribable outcome. A man who is handed too much knowledge would not be able to hang onto his sanity. Souls on the earth plain are usually offered a protective cloak of ignorance for this reason. When the need is great, the cloak parts slightly to let in some knowledge of the upper realms. Man finds it hard to operate by reason alone and naturally thirsts for mystical knowledge. This is part of progress.

Go in peace.



Because of interference from your daily life we have to take the opportunity to utilise these precious moments. As you know we are few and you are many. Edit and spread these words when the time is right.

You asked about prayer possibly not being effective on account of the Chinese idea of ying and yang which possibly discounts the influence of free will and a turning of situations from the darker side to the lighter side. Surely your conception of all of a soul’s effort towards the light is the correct one. This would include “thought, deed and word”.

The Buddhist and Christian ethics without doubt promote this and the whole intuition of a life is influenced by conscience. A flicker of that will eventually be kindled in a case where the hardest thing to calculate would be the progression of that soul.


Power Animals

It might be an eagle or a cat or a lion or a praying mantis or a goat or a horse.

The nature of the animal token ties in with the current progress of your soul. Most of us are unaware of them or we have only noticed them on a subconscious level. Open yourself up to their presence in your lives. A startling or emotional dream, an ornament in a shop window. Read about them, ask about them. They show us part of our path, they reveal to us some of our nature. They are important and can be more useful, once acknowledged. Spend time with them in different ways – observational, artistic, meditationally. They are here to help and guide us directly or indirectly. Fly, crawl, hop, creep, swim, hunt with their natures.



Great Spirit.

May we always wish for peace above all. Peace being the result of all right thinking and right action.

We come to terms with the actions of our past - that leads to peace.

We accept what we have and where we are – that leads to peace.

We consider the trials of this world as a learning curve for all the souls involved, animals and human – that leads to peace.

We can contemplate our arrival on the other side, where we can take stock and greet old friends and family – and that leads to peace.

Hopefully we can take stock of a life well lived – and that leads to peace.


New Thought

Find that which is encrypted in the mysteries of the universe and you will know all.

The mystery of God, Allah, the Nazarene, consciousness, the flawlessness of the now being discovered particle physics, quantum mechanics and so on.

Where science and the realm of spirit meet and entwine.

 Delve into one and you unwittingly delve into the other.

No longer the unquestioning acceptance called faith which held the mind and spirit inclinations of mankind in a cage of binding steel.

That led to blind hatred, discriminatory bloodshed, slavery to dogma and tradition affecting countless souls.

The emerging world of new and free thought, will break open for many, those imprisoning shackles.

Some will find a path of rapid enlightenment, soaring to the truth like a bird in flight.


A Prayer

God of harmony.

God of light.

God of all providing harmony.

Allow our God consciousness to broaden and to encompass knowledge of all that is beautiful harmonious and uplifting. Allow us to seek to understand the source of all that is positive, joyful and all that which fulfils mankind’s highest aspirations. We seek knowledge, inspiration. We value freedom of thought and expression. We know harmony through observation of the beauty of nature and the unselfish love which can be found in the actions of humans and the faithfulness of animals that are in our care.

Allow us to seek advancement in this incarnation and in the next life.

May we receive help from those of great understanding and wisdom, those behind the veil, waiting to guide us with unselfish love.



By presuming that you are in charge of the tracking of the existence of your soul, you are only seeing things from the earthly standpoint.

To imagine that a soul can experience more than one plane at a time seems to take away a feeling of safety, self – knowledge. It is stepping into the unknown.

Time does not exist here as in the earthly state so various experiences would be described by you on earth as being chronological but would not be viewed that way from upper realm standpoint.

You feel you have knowledge of the activities of your soul, and you feel out of control if you imagine your soul could split. This is tied up with time so closely and time is not a concept explained easily from our standpoint.

Astral travelling does not discomfort you, as you imagine your soul has left your body doing these activities in your sleep, so it fits into your chronological time frame.

It is a deep subject.


Unfinished Business

I see death as the hapless sweeping up of souls who might appear to be in the prime of their life.

They go often reluctantly and with much lamentation of their lot, considering unfinished business – but a great deal of unfinished business turns out to be further inspired and achievable over here.

A notion may be developed and enlarged upon, but it takes considerable effort for these ideas to be imprinted on your world.

It takes an openness and the desire of the soul incarnated to achieve this.

May the channel remain open and available?

God bless you.


The Aspiration Of Guides


You feel us draw ever closer. We are only a seconds thought away.

We await, as ever for you to still your ever active mind so that we may connect with those ideas you have recently pondered upon. On occasion you wish to be free of this duty but your whole life presupposed this activity and we are not willing to step back if we can possibly help it.

The wisdom we always endeavour to send through is of very great importance to others and those touched by it will add to the tapestry or spiders web of intricate knowledge and thought, ideas communication and philosophy. Yours is a world now so controlled by ephemeral activities.

Where is the solid wall of religious aspiration behind every human as things tended to be in past days?

May we and you, and those in connection with you, work together to produce an improved knowledge of the reality of existence this side and your side of the veil.

Rest well.


The Veil

Consider the time space and consciousness.

The veil between the two worlds is with very little effort temporarily lifted.

Maybe we should not claim this to be with very little effort.

The difference in density between your world and ours is actually considerable and sometimes takes a team effort on our side to open communication with one soul on yours.

Regularity of meaningful intent does make a difference.

That solves some of the time difficulties and leaves only the special dimensional problems.

Practise is the keynote and directing more of your thoughts to our side at odd moments in the day would be useful.

Rest well.


The Future

There is no prediction of the future although it is mostly laid out. Some can obtain a glimpse now and then but full knowledge stifles the emotions such as hope, satisfaction.

Why strive to obtain or conquer that which is already seen to be in your grasp. Man’s nature blossoms in striving, attaining, hoping for and then achieving satisfactorily.  

We do have will but this is the force cutting through the mists of unpredictability and securing a secure outcome. If right intention favours outcome then it is right that knowledge of the future be misty or what would be the point of attempting, which is one of the ways in which to grow.



Love is not only encapsulated by religion. Religion means “a way of life”. It has much of the flavour of the geographical origin, manner of dress, custom, eating habits, moral codes. It is a blueprint for a life well led and the essence of all religion is universal love, sacrificial love, all giving and encompassing love. Contact with spirit through any of the senses is a fast tracking to a realisation of the power of love weaving through stated and defined religion.

That religions in their varying structures should separate man from loving one another goes against the very grain of the expression of pure spiritual love. Religion should merely be a cohesive vehicle for the expression of compassion and all that that can lead to in the way of attitude, life and action. Work with it.


How Passing

You lie on your death bed. Those from the other side gather round you. You may not notice them or you may converse with them. The more you interact with them, the more you are probably aware of your impending passing. They remove the fear. Once the pain and discomfort fades, the fear subsides, the passing takes place.

To those with greater awareness it is easy and pleasant and the arrival is with full consciousness and not much need from other souls for help with adjustment and not much need for that initial cocoon of sleep.

Those who are taken suddenly as in accidents, war or explosions tend to arrive in a very confused or angry state and are in much need of help from those on the other side. They can be unaware of their deaths and attempt to interact with those they have left behind and are hurt by the lack of response and the feeling of isolation.

Those who go over from explosions are unable to connect emotionally with their previous bodies. They tend to be confused and bewildered.

Those with a peaceful passing with full knowledge when welcomed are keen and eager to learn from their new surroundings. They can get on with their spiritual desires and can communicate all the sooner across the veil with their loved ones.


In Life...

Be still and know that the Great Spirit is within you, around you and from it you are inseparable.

Be active and know that there can be a joyfulness in such activity. Hope for and strive towards action which is imbued with the source, which hopefully is of usefulness to others or to the satisfaction of our own souls.

Eat and drink with delight and appreciation. Appreciate uplifting artistic endeavours with wonderment, compassion or excitement.

Love with physical intensity and with mental tenderness and with joy.

Relax the body and mind with meditation, mindfulness of beautiful sounds or surroundings and with restful and searching sleep.

Nourish the soul with learning and compassion and joy.

Be wise, caring, compassionate and gentle. Yearn for these things and they will be offered to you.

Go in peace.


Apports, Physical Mediumship

Like the flowers that no longer allow us the joy of savouring their perfumes, spirit is in command of certain aspects of mediumship. Knowledge of this subject is being so rapidly disseminated that there is a danger of lack of self-control and subsequently a lack of spiritual control.

The young spiritually minded need to be guided in circles of safety. The average person in your modern western civilisation has a self-assurance that was missing a few decades ago. The average man looked up to authority and there was some safety and protection in that.

The spirit that yearns for spiritual expression has to know how to separate ego from the activities or there is a leaning to negative manifestations. Therefore certain closing down of powers has taken place as an action of protection.

Free Will

When I was alive I used to think that free will was a willingness to follow the dictates of religious convention and to follow the constraints of the society within which you are nurtured. That is not free will.

In our plane we have total free will, or so we like to imagine. For instance the free will to re-incarnate, or set ourselves upon a course of study, or develop compassion in many ways through interaction with earth or spirit love.

In fact the greater being that we long to see and meld with drives us forward. We can dig our heels in but we know that strength of lack of freewill that forces us to take decisions that will lead us in one true direction.

In your time that may take centuries but we cannot fight it.


Regeneration (of a spiritual attitude).

We draw on a knowledge of history to bolster and defend the beliefs and attitudes of the present. We must look back and learn lessons from the past to avoid repetition.

Man’s spirit must draw from a wealth of heritage and attitudes to forge his way in a changing world – to feel a connection - to be aware of the continuation of the forward movement of consciousness.

A world consciousness that develops unhindered by geographical or cultural barriers.

Modern communication which is instant and far reaching allows this.

Humans now interact on a global level rather than on a national level.

This means we should be capable of wiser decisions which will allow man and nature to flourish without one destroying the other.

Spirit Entry

When does spirit enter a foetus? At conception? Before birth or sometime in between?

As you are beginning to realise, there are no hard and fast rules in the spirit world. Nothing happens without the framework of the great intelligence.

Choosing a birth parent is a long and complicated process. There is personal choice but not in every case. Many spirits are involved in the process of choice and what seems imminent is sometimes denied at the last moment. The vast computer that encompasses all the progress of souls has to be accounted for. Spirit can enter the body at any stage of the development of the new human and can indeed be withdrawn again prior to birth. Not all miscarriages therefore involve loss of a soul. Some are merely shedding of the biological matter.

The spirit denied entry or that which is only allowed a short habitation has to begin the whole process once more demanding patience and what you call time. Choosing to be reborn is a matter of expression of freewill, but cannot be organised without help and cooperation of other spirits. Consider the matter of linking the aspiring soul and the soul who opts to be their guide for their entire lifetime.

Do not forget to try to link with your guide in your life’s journey. You are on a journey together even if most of your time on this earth your guide is acting more as an observer than a participant.

The Rights of Man and the Rights of Animals

In an ideal world one would not collide with the other.

But yours is not an ideal world.

Various species and indeed man, might have to pay the price.

The animals roamed the plains and forests and man eventually joined them. One species did not tend to outbalance another. Harmony was in evidence. Animals existed within their natural food chain.

Then man began to farm livestock and the balance of nature was disturbed and now seems to be ever so. The rights of man demand comforts, warmth and food and these are not obtainable without disturbance of ecology. All species will eventually pay the price unless fewer human souls occupy the earth through man made calamities, failure of modern medicine as you know it, there can never again be that natural balance and harmony of beast, nature and the human.

The State of Bereavement

It can be sudden or it can be expected.

It can rock our senses leading to anger, bewilderment, depression, sorrow, aloneness. But they are released.

It is neither in our control or theirs. It is predestined and occurs as a natural biological event or through some traumatic circumstance.

We do not have control over another being. They have their spiritual agenda. We have been lucky to have taken part in their progress in this life but that could be considered as a gift which is a gift that must be handed back at any moment.

We release abundant tears or are locked in a deep cell of numbness, grieving is expressing sorrow for ourselves.

They are beyond that level of hurt although it seems they feel more release if we are able to let go.

 The good times were a gift – the hard times were a school of learning.

Our school of learning continues unless we are fortunate enough to be able to let go, to be captain of our journeys in the ship of life.

We are not meant to be disabled in the living and learning process through grief. 

We have free will but many life events are prearranged by mutual consent on the other side of the veil.

The Great Spirit is not an avenging God who has abandoned us by snatching away the gifts we were given.

The gift of involvement in another’s life is a matter to be worked through by the departed and by the abandoned and all is overseen by a Great Spirit which cannot be anything other than compassionate and loving.

Truth From The Other Side

Truths are inescapable facts, or not surmise or fanciful imaginings.

Sometimes a human has a wish to guide others but takes on a cloak of newly formulated religious ideas or sets of ideas. Who is to say that they have tapped into absolute truths or that they are merely feeding their egos and devising a power system to place upon others? They can do great harm to the vulnerable seeker.

When a person is in trance, how is a listener to ascertain that they are listening to absolute truths from the other side? Could there be a tainting in the pronouncements by the subconscious mind of the medium?

Integrity and honesty should be the intention of all those sitting and this should be ensured by all the respective doorkeepers but those living this life are subject to good and bad desires. Hopefully the wisdom of the listener will enable him or her to discern what facts come through to be of use in his own developing knowledge.

Spiritual activities can place a person in a position of power where they can abuse the trust of others.

Always ask for protection and integrity before embarking on these methods for seeking after knowledge.

Vested Interests

Man is driven by greed which is a mere extension of the survival instinct.

An invention is developed, new natural resources are found – those in charge are driven by personal greed and loyalty to a faceless organisation which might express loyalty to its employees but is more likely to be into exploitation.

How can the message be put across to those in a position of power and influence to use these resources for the benefit of the planet and mankind which would take more forward thinking than is usually expressed now, although it has been shown on a small scale to be taking place here and there with astonishing and spiritually approved results.

Inventions and ideas mostly originate from the other side with the intention that they are well used.

We know it is so.


People enquiring about the spiritual life are inclined to ask many questions.

One of them is about language.

How can spirit communicate with each other and with us if the situations would indicate the presence of a language barrier?

Communication between spirits is in the shape of thought forms.

Language might be redundant.

It seems if they are communicating through a medium in trance, they often come through speaking the language of the listeners but often with a foreign accent.

Is this because they are unable to do otherwise or is it because an accent would add authenticity to their origins?

It seems that sometimes they take on a cultural identity to satisfy our needs.

When we meet a person in life, we need to enquire about their origins and background. This apparently is not necessary when contacting spirit but it is an aspect we cannot easily throw off.

We are usually pleased that a medium describes our guide as an American Indian or a French nun. This allows us to draw closer to them mentally.


We know one another. We are bound together with a gossamer thread of common development.

We have met before many times.

We recognise our soul group members. To reflect on this and the fact that we can never lose them opens our soul to a feeling of wonder and joy.

We shed tears of the inexpressible. These are not tears of separation. They are tears of oneness and conjoining.

We welcome this experience as a token of what is to come even now though it is a mere sip of the nectar of the Gods. We know so well that eventually we will be offered the whole.

Helpfulness Of Guides

Even if you don’t know us we are always with you. It is a lifetime contract, considering your main guide.

This is a binding arrangement with mutual benefit. Your main doorkeeper, sometimes called your guardian angel, is there on call every single moment of your life. He/She can lead to the right action and protection from harm. The method of communication can be symbols’ dreams, direct and indirect intuition. Once he/she is acknowledged the pathway between the two of you is strengthened. You need not know our appearance or name(s) but spirit in human form find this a strengthening aspect. Many other guides appear when the life path requires it but the gate-keeper stands true and straight for you as long as you live and breathe.

It is so. 


Communication from the other side is an art that has to be practised and learnt.

Messages are sent by thought form, mental images, pictures of symbolism, olfactory sensing’s, a sense of live voice, temporary bodily pains and sensations that the medium actually feels.

There can be direct voice coming through the medium and borrowing their vocal chords, electricity can be manipulated and the minds of animals disturbed.

Through a mixture of the above, the life events, habits, nature and illnesses of the departed can be accurately described. Names of places seem to be transmitted pictorially. Names of the actual communicator, for some reason, appear to be fairly hard to transmit.

  Some mediums bring through a group of names that can be of vague association to the receiver and often belong to previous generations. Those recently departed do not seem to transmit their names as easily, or it appears the medium does not receive these with ease as often.  Is there an explanation for this?


Barrier… I wait here for you. You wait there for me.

This should not be. We hope you do not hold back your life through the anticipation of meeting your loved ones at the closing of your days.

Life is for the living. Move forward and dispel your grief. No soul who has passed on wants to be aware that your sorrow is having an impact not only on you but also slightly on the departed.

There is much to do, pursue and explore on this side. It is more useful for us to be free of the tentacles of sorrow binding two souls.

We will sooner or later meet you in an ecstasy of recognition and an outpouring of love. Love is what it is all about. We do not wait in a patient line for your arrival. Time does not have the same meaning up here. When we are called, we will be there.

We still observe and protect you and we are only a thought away but we wish to guard your progress with our love but also to follow endless possibilities of activities which can enhance the soul of the world and the souls of others.

Go peacefully on your path.

Does an incarnation have a main purpose?

There are so many ways in which a soul must develop. All development is overcoming the negativity of the dark side. Souls tend to move through and uncomprehending bestial life existence, then using various lifetimes to develop a moral conscience while displaying both possibilities of enlightened love and dark cruelty. This can take many lifetimes indeed until the soul is beginning to be more surrounded by the light.

Incarnations are still required to polish the rough edges of the personality and here it becomes more obvious that the soul is learning particular lessons through particular mediums such as interaction with families, war participation, dealing with the effects of the misuse of power and position or the misdirection of the use of wealth and materialistic items.

Later incarnations possibly have small lessons to be learnt but are undertaken for the purpose of relieving the troubles of others. This again may be through the particular medium of family, power, materialism etcetera.

No   doubt the very last incarnations are wholly for giving love to others in various ways. There are no lessons to be learnt.  The world desperately needs the incarnations of those who are in that position, who lead by example and love. These incarnations may be called masters or can be quietly serving their purpose.

Escaping from the Chains

Escaping from the chains of proscribed thinking.

Thou shalt and thou shalt not tends bow not to be used. As a power over the mind of the average person. We are led into a world   of rational thinking, seeking evidence, recognising and using our spiritual gifts, if they are brought to our notice.

Instead of being told of the devils work, we wonder if there is one.  Instead of being told we are judged for our misdemeanours on the other side like a recalcitrant and squirming child, we learn that there are wise groups of elders or personal helpers who help us to consider our actions in our last existence, to learn from our mistakes or to find ways of remedying them.

In our earthly lifetime, we are handily equipped with a thing called conscience. It is not a thing we can easily ignore so  that self-assessment and change ought to begin before we pass over and then there would be less of our negative side to confront.

The old ways of repressive thinking still exist in some religious organisations. Maybe people gain more by floundering through life, learning from the mistakes they make and pursuing a path of rising consciousness.

Good Deeds

The Great Spirit and all its helpers are aware of every intention, action and deed, no matter how trifling they may seem. Our mental attitude towards and motives for good deeds are more important than we could possibly envision. These are the small things by which we judge ourselves on our arrival at the other side of the veil. We could instigate our self- judgement and therefore our self-improvement by starting the process while still here.

Right action, right thought, right speech derive from Buddhism and we can try to apply all three in what we do, think or say. We spontaneously do a good deed. That is right action which has merit.

By not feeling falsely proud of it afterwards, we are applying right thought and by not bragging about it to others, we are applying right speech.

 A small helpful action towards nature or man can build merit that we would hardly think possible.

An expansive gesture behind which there is the wrong motivation, can possibly earn a soul little merit.


Creation is about growth. Growth is not possible without the development and use of love.

All the negative attributes displayed by humans in an incarnation, at some stage, will have to be recognised, analysed and sloughed off. All that is part of the growth.

After each incarnation, hopefully, the soul acknowledges the lessons learnt and prepares for the next journey of refining the soul. We are all beckoned on and with the help of others, take on the next necessary steps, whether it be work in other levels or considering reincarnation.

 All moves slowly forwards.

How much Creativity…?

Creativity does not end although a person’s life is bound to do so. Creative souls still desire to use their writing, musical or artistic gifts. And there is no limit, except in the material earthly sense, to what can be worked on in the other realms. So, a discarnate soul working closely with one of us finds the bonus of achieving a co-operative earthly result as well. The appreciative audience is widened to include both spheres. When arriving there, if we have always been excited by the touch of the brush, the mastery of words the creating of a melody or the array of colours on a pallet, why should we stop and perhaps artistic gifts can be carried through to the next incarnation?

Is An Atheist In A Happy State?

Certainly he is if he has been forced to attend pulpit thumping ministries in his youth because, to him, the divine doesn’t exist but nor does the devil. So he is not unduly worried about the result of his actions. He has humanism to turn to for consideration of his morals and for some reason, we all seem to be subject to an inbuilt state of conscience. Whether that is indoctrination from an upbringing or not, humans usually know right from wrong.

 Presumably he doesn’t fear death except the possible unpleasantness of the process. When we fall asleep at night, we don’t fear our temporary lack of consciousness.

Science can be the justification. If all matter is a series of wavelengths which are measurable, then that is it. We are just beings with minds on certain wavelengths of a superior nature. Is that not a reason to abandon atheism and become an agnostic?

After that, it can be a matter of experiences and offered proofs to switch from a more agnostic state to a more convinced state that not all wavelengths have yet been measured by man and therefore there could be wavelengths of a different degree that we have yet to experience on a subjective level.

Atheism is comforting… you have all the answers. Agnosticism is not as there are so many unanswered questions.

Total belief is comforting as long as you believe that spiritual progress stems from a state of self-judgement. It would not be pleasant to go through the gates to meet a wrathful god and what about the lurking devil business?

Intelligence and Spirituality

Do we need the gift of intelligence as well as well as spirituality?

Be as a child to reach the kingdom of heaven?

Intelligence and intuition are earthly gifts for the development of a particular incarnation.

The apparent lack of further knowledge and intuition displayed by the newly arrived on our side can be a result of a lack of shucking off attachment to earthly manifestations, whether it be physical objects or attachments to others in the soul group.

It may be a demonstration of the previous undertaking to consider the development of souls within their compass – to hold back their own further development until as much as possible in that direction is achieved.

The miracle of absorption into the bliss of the upper levels is not obtained by consideration of the soul by self.

A vast network of rope ladders needs to be let down from an upper to a lower level with helping hands tending the ascent of these ladders.

You cannot judge advancement from your standpoint. The whole upper realms are a demonstration of an innate intelligent network inter-spaced with all-knowing bliss and love.

Keep reaching out.

Imagery in Mediumship

Imagery in mediumship…direct and symbolic.

We on this side, have roving scouts. The average human does not live his life with a conduit open to the spirit world.

When a human is born with the natural gifts of mediumship, we are ready to step in and to take every advantage of that. To help mankind, it is vital that we have communicative links. We constantly produce signs but most of them are ignored.

When a person feels grief   for the first time, he might concentrate for the first time on what lies beyond the veil. Where has the mind and personality of his loved one gone? Surely there is not obliteration. The body is useless and abandoned but surely the vital spark has to be somewhere.

This provides an opening which we will never fail to take advantage of.

All existence is a matter of various wave  lengths and with the equivalent of your scientific experiments, we have learnt to manipulate and mould ourselves to these wavelengths to attract your attention. It might be the presentation of feathers in unusual places or if we are lucky, the bereaved one will contact a medium. That is the real opening of the door in our efforts.

Some of us will be regularly working with that medium and have worked out whether he/she is receptive to physical sensations, thought images, emotional feelings or symbolism, If symbolism is a strength of the medium, we are usually aware of happenings within the life of the medium to compile a compendium of symbols and their meanings.

If Heaven Is So Harmonious…

If heaven is so harmonious why do we return?

Having reached a certain level of spiritual awareness in the realms of the dead, our souls yearn for the need to progress further. Maybe we have attended halls of learning and found that the sheer desire to be uplifted to a new realm or level is not sufficient. Although we are in a position of ease and comfort  and experiencing only the harmony of interaction with souls of a similar development, we realise that to allow our souls to learn more lessons often requires the disharmony that is only to be found on earth life.

When back down here, we would wish to avoid contact with most of the humans that we find we are thrust among. Nevertheless, it is only by rubbing along with them that we are learning lessons of tolerance and patience.

If we really desire fast soul-growth, we grab the opportunities around us to try to work through our negative reactions to others and to grow by converting into positives. 

 The outcome is the building of more love, which is what it is all about. Without the opportunity to express more love, there is no opportunity for soul growth.


Light, Love, Power, Knowledge, Understanding.

Let us be bathed in the light, the light which tempts us to follow so as to arrive at that special place of heavenly colours.

 Let us use the power of love to forge our way through the jarring world into a place where we bathe endlessly in its covering, protection, harmony.

 Let us not misuse the power given to us which we could use to dominate fellow-beings but rather let us use it as a generator to achieve things of greatness.

 We soak up knowledge so as to apply logic concerning our actions and so as to understand the ways of the interior world over which we should learn to have control.

 Let us be full of understanding concerning the problems of our fellow-man. Let us apply that understanding to try to alleviate those problems of our fellow-man.

Let us use all the qualities mentioned on our path of progress.

I Am The Centre Of My Universe

Why am I me and not somebody else? Why is the sentient being inhabiting my body aware of separation from others but also a knowledge of an individual identity. Ego? Why am I important> Am II more important in the spiritual hierarchy than any other being who is feeling the awareness of their “I”?

Of course not. We are all connected.. all our “I”s are part of the whole, of the spiritual world. MY “I”is the motor of my spirit in this physical body and the world seen from my blinkered “I” seems to be the centre of the universe.

What becomes of our “I” when we cross the veil to the next world? If there   are supposedly seven levels of existence in the ethereal world, in how many of the lower levels are we still conscious of the “I” as we progress?  How soon can we abandon that and join a group consciousness of souls at a different level who are only aware of the we? What does the melding with the Godhead feel like to a soul who has abandoned the “I” and possibly even ascended past the “We”?

Past Lives And

Future Lives

Some say that knowledge of past lives cannot help us in this life. Why is it that psychiatrists have found patient’s health or emotional issues impossible to resolve until the patient spontaneously or by arrangement regresses to past lives? A whole life experienced previously must leave unresolved issues to be dealt with in this one or why do we reincarnate at all. It’s the lessons still left to be learnt and one life only can produce the textbook of all the facts we have to deal with in order to progress. We seem to be given a clean sheet at the onset of a life but we have only recently come from a place where we have reviewed our past lives and that clean sheet must contain a shadow of what has been and what is to come. Why is so little said about knowledge of future lives? Maybe they are not able to be regularly predicted even beyond the veil as the details would so much depend on how we cope and set up Karma in our current one. Some wise souls have a certainty that they will not need to return, some hope that they will not have to return and some look forward to the new experience  of a further life. The latter must be brave souls indeed.



People can say it is not right to converse with the departed. Knowledge of this way of life did not arise in an atmosphere of ignorance but arose when the vast majority of the population were literate and intelligent. This way of thinking and acting is acceptable to the discerning and intelligent mind. It is all based on truths and knowledge constantly coming from the other side.

It is not held back by texts written in stone. There is constant proof and no faith is required. Knowledge and proof is offered. Those in the movement do not call up the dead. They are responding to the insistent contact in various forms from the other side.

If the “devil” is responsible for what is achieved in a building such as this, why do people walk in with grief in their hearts loneliness, depression or lack of certainty in their choice of paths, only to walk out with relief, hope certainty and maybe joy? How could the “devil” make use of such positive outcomes?

This way of thinking and acting was natural to more undeveloped societies in ancient times. It has not waxed and waned. It has come through 2000 years of suppression. It is not dependent on constantly edited books or particular buildings or particular leaders.

We have this knowledge widely spreading through the world  by  means

  of the internet and widely available literature. It is open to all individuals and groups and can be promoted in home circles or purpose built buildings.

As long as all those participating do all of this with the purpose of helping others, no harm can be done. A building such as this is dependent on no other organisation and is run by volunteers.

The doors are kept open to offer knowledge and comfort to many and only small contributions are expected to help to achieve this aim.

We follow certain principals which reject no other faith or creed and we are dedicated and obliged to contribute to charities on a regular basis.

Messages and


A person often enters a spiritualist church on impulse or are persuaded to go there by an acquaintance. This is often a manipulation by spirit and the message from a loved one will come through at a significant turning point in their lives. They often return thirsty for more reassurance and they are not usually let down in their expectations. Some will return to fulfill their destiny in the form of mediumistic development which starts flourishing from this point on, very often with constant encouragement from the other side. Some are thirsty for more knowledge about the construction of the world of spirit and so eventually, messages of deeper knowledge come through teaching about helpers, guides and giving knowledge about the activities and intentions of those on the other side of the veil. Because of the limitations imposed by time and the circumstances of a larger audience, the length of these deeper messages is limited.  Mediums with the ability to go into trance can bring through lengthy teachings from wise beings but this is usually limited to a small group of dedicated people where emotional needs are pushed to the background.  Inspirational speaking and automatic writing also contribute a depth of knowledge to those who seek it.

Not Why

Not why? but what can we make of it?

Paths are not set to fulfil our superficial wishes. They are set to fulfil our previously selected spiritual desires.

Souls cannot grow along a path of ease. All negative aspects encountered in life are meant to be. They are the school of hard knocks which thrust us along the path that we are supposed to be on. Find a single human on earth who has not encountered some negativity.

Therefore why rail against a particular negativity which we find there is a struggle with? Why talk of unfairness and an unjust God? What you encounter is your path and has no relevance to another’s path. All souls are at different levels of advancement but all will eventually, through many rebirths, reach harmonious upper levels closer to the energy of the spirit maker.

Eventually there is a merging with the Great Spirit which to mortals seems to remain an inconceivable concept. We cannot conceive it but we feel propelled to reach towards it. Thus we know to accept what is good and what is bad and what is right and wrong on our journeys.


The wheel of fortune. The wheel of progress. The mad merry go round. Is this eternal rebirth? The acting, the experiencing, the release into the other, where there is taking stock and remembering. The courage that must be to return to the mortal casing. The joy to shuffle off this limiting mortal coil yet once again.

Did we do well? Are we further forward? How many endless lessons are there to be learned?

 The human experience is an endless tapestry of possible experience yet those “up there” say it is limiting . How amazing it must be to be up there and remembering every detail of countless lives led in this hard knock school place

The wars fought, the illnesses endured, the emotions overcome.  The soul yearns to fly free, not to have to repeat these endless mistakes and discomforts. They say this place is beautiful but even the very plants fight against the elements and the animal world fights for existence. Every kitten, puppy and child plays with delight, then grow into a situation of gritted teeth and serious determination. Slowly, the aching joint holds sway. Were we once so flexible and cart- wheeling? We did not realise and slowly slid into a more rigid maturity. Our minds feel young but our bodies do not. To keep the mind and release the body must be a joy and yet when we go, they grieve.


A person suffers a great indignity or trauma. The less it is mentioned, the more it is repressed. At this suppressed level it festers and causes discomfort, unhappiness and often a loss of a sense of worth. If this can be released by a professional or circumstance it can lead to blossoming of the personality and the sufferer is released to take up a life of meaning and purpose.

Grief too has this effect on the psyche and often needs to be released through meditation, healing spiritual contact or the help of a professional.

Those left behind appear to be left with a legacy of suffering that those released no longer feel. Those who abused seem to walk off scot free while the abused is tortured or depressed.  Only the action of karma can seem to explain that all those who need it. The whole process of being miserably affected or joyfully released and that same karmic effect must catch up with abusers either in this life or the next.

May seeing the light and feeling the wonderful release of tears be offered to those in need.


Prayer concerning the self is an asking. The item or outcome may or may not be supplied but in essence prayer is a request for emotional help. Hopefully this is usually answered.

Prayer for others must be a request for healing and therefore is likely to be a more powerful asking. Karma and freewill have to be considered but prayer and its results no doubt fit into the tapestry.

Prayer for others should advance the soul and is an expression of universal love, prayer for self could be selfish or a statement recognising the interlocking of souls, love and the Great Spirit.

Minds and souls make up the cosmic forward movement of the universal life force.


Time (in your sense) will eventually open the gates to us.

You have questions.

Try to take the time to reflect on them and to formulate them. This would provide a core of discussion which we could work on while you become used to feeling the flow of the writing style of the communicator.

We are aware that you are sometimes confused by the fact that we are working with you as a small band and it seems hard to concentrate on the flow of one hand without feeling the intrusion of another.

We do not think it our place to pen you messages from loved ones. You are too aware of their existence and do not need proof. The centre you attend has all the provisions you might yearn for concerning that matter.

Continue to keep the contact there as there is so much to offer in the way of healing and spiritual knowledge.

Peace to you.

Rejection And Acceptance

Throughout time mankind has attempted to appease the gods. The world is unsure and vicious in its elements. Survival is a constant battle and puny mankind feels inadequate standing alone and unfortified. Well may he turn to the supernatural to find answers and reasons. If he communally builds up the picture of a vicious God or gods who must be appeased then he does just that in obeisance through sacrifice and appeasement. As the common and subconsciously conjoined mind of man reaches a state of truly advanced sensibility and reasoning, he is more likely to reject than accept the ever-present help and power available from beyond the veil.

Since the enlightenment, man has relied on the knowledge found through science to provide reasoning for existence but delving to the core of physics has allowed for the possibility of the existence of an elusive divine mind. This can lead to the re acceptance of the divine.

Seeing The Signs

They appear to us all lifelong but until our consciousness moves up to a certain level, we are unaware of them. These are the messages of continued existence and they touch us with a constant subtlety. They can take the form of feathers butterflies, chance remark form an innocent child, a small item inexplicably disappearing or returning, pictures on the wall becoming crooked, a change to a photograph, a small attention from a bird etc. Watch for them and they will happen to you.

When my husband was dying, my grandson and I were presented with a massive sign. We walked the dog round a field which was marked out for a football pitch. At one corner the feathers began. It was not the usual small round mess of feathers where a bird had somehow met its end. There was a strip about six inches wide stretching the length of the football pitch, containing a mass of feathers all the way along.

At the corner the strip turned left and did the same thing along the width of the football pitch. At the other corner a woman and her dog were standing. I had spoken to her before, as you do to another dog walker. We were following the line of feathers and as we approached her she asked my grandson what he was going to do with the few he had picked up. I said “no I think it is something deeper than that” and I explained about my husband’s condition. I burst into tears and she gave me a hug. Later I wondered whether she could see all the feathers behind us and had we gone back an hour later, would they still have seemed to be there. We kept the few that he picked up but maybe the others were only to be seen by him and me.

Sister Salvio 

Why ask for print when you have so well developed the usual method?

You say the Catholic Church was a cruel master. It was and so erroneous in so many of its beliefs and superstitions. Absolution is a matter for the self. Religion should be gentle and understanding, not indoctrinating with guilt and unproven doctrines. The edifice is unnecessary, powerful leaders not wanted.

Go to the trees, nature and natural psychic and clairvoyant abilities and all will be revealed. Natural intuition should prevail over ‘set in stone ‘ancient words of untruths and misdirection .

Oh, the frailty of the human mind. It should and will know the depth of knowledge of loving kindness displayed in our realms. You have but to endure and wait. The classroom of life is full of bullies and power seekers. They do not hold the same sway here. They are reduced to humble seekers of the way, learning to look for eternal truths through love and compassion.

Go through this day gently and with our communal blessing.

Soul Journey and Guides

My soul yearns for that which is veiled by life.

I survey my actions, the causes of my strife.

May I see, feel, and hear that which is beyond the obstacles of existence.

I do hear the joy of music, the song of the birds, the vocal experiments of a babe.

I do feel the love of those around me… their sufferings and pain.

They  hover and wait, those souls who have gone before.

They respond to our call those wise ones and they observe with compassion our kicking against the traces.

They are our cloak of protection but we must exercise our free will.

It is up to us to be wise of judgement, to seek knowledge, to deny barriers of straight-jacketed thought.

Without guides, where would our intuition come from? The still small voice that arrives to prod us into action….the result of our deepest requests made many years ago and which seem to lie dormant before they present themselves as a bud of recognition.

“But this isn’t the thing I thought I was requesting but I can see that this is the thing that fulfils my needs more”.

It is my desiring. It produces the answer to that request I put up many years before.

They tell us so if we ask.

They lead us if we follow.

They recognise and guide our desires for the better.

Spiritual Malnourishment

You are born and have a normal childhood, if you are lucky. Then you are a teenager and along comes the angst which can take many different forms. One of these forms can be a feeling that, although still surrounded by the same loving family and long-term friends, you are no longer connected…a feeling of isolation, a feeling of being different.

 Maybe this is the beginning of a spiritual yearning that has not yet been supplied. It can lead to misuse of drugs or alcohol as a way of escape or to constant bouts of depression.

Is this what they call The Dark Night of the Soul? No doubt it accelerates our karma but it seems at the time, a nearly impossible task to deal with.

 Eventually, over a length of time, we would consider that we have reached maturity … a sense of purpose in life or just contentment in just being. Is this an incoming of spiritual nourishment, whether we are aware of it or not? Now, happily, we can reconnect with the souls of others again and experience love and compassion. Gone is the feeling of deadness and pointlessness that was previously felt.

Spiritualists And Icebergs

You are born and have a normal childhood, if you are lucky. Then you are a teenager and along comes the angst which can take many different forms. One of these forms can be a feeling that, although still surrounded by the same loving family and long-term friends, you are no longer connected…a feeling of isolation, a feeling of being different.

Maybe this is the beginning of a spiritual yearning that has not yet been supplied. It can lead to misuse of drugs or alcohol as a way of escape or to constant bouts of depression.

Is this what they call The Dark Night of the Soul? No doubt it accelerates our Karma but it seems at the time, a nearly impossible task to deal with.

Eventually, over a length of time, we would consider that we have reached maturity … a sense of purpose in life or just contentment in just being. Is this an incoming of spiritual nourishment, whether we are aware of it or not? Now, happily, we can reconnect with the souls of others again and experience love and compassion. Gone is the feeling of deadness and pointlessness that was previously felt.


No race, no religion is unsullied by the agonies of the human condition. The “noble” American Indian had his warrior-mind side and no doubt sometimes fought for territory or pride, spurred on by the human bodily condition of the need for sustenance.

No religion can produce a love that is not spiritual but when billions of us are scrabbling for the finite resources of Mother Earth for sustenance, shelter and warmth, the fervent love and action therefrom can only go so far.

Modern communication and science has allowed us to see so much of the depressingly large picture of human existence and the struggling planet.

We see things on a global scale and see so much negativity mixed with small attempts by enlightened individuals to right things. They show up like small beacons of hopefulness.

Through various religions, we ought to discover love more than power. The love which we try to pit against the desperate human survival game will eventually be of more use to us in the planes of the spiritual world which awaits each and every one of us.

When geographical existence and world knowledge was so much smaller, hemmed in past civilisations must have experienced things in much the same way. It is only a matter of scale.

The Peak

The path is always upwards. Have you ever felt the power and majesty that is a gift to you, standing on the summit of a mountain? Our urge to climb is ever there. Indigenous people leave their hopes wishes and veneration to the ‘gods on the nearest mountain’ … a sacred place indeed.

Cathedrals built of stone, trees or rocks surround us… man’s inner urge to glorify that towards which he is striving.

These are a mere reflection of what is to come in the next world.

The Guides

How could we get through the troubles and problems in this school of life without the input of our guides, helpers, past relatives, whether we do so knowingly or unknowingly? Some of us are thrust by our experiences into surroundings of a spiritualist centre where we are taught the mechanics and wonders of the contact between the spirit world and us. How lucky are we who have got to know and love those who help us and how certain we are of the world as it will be when we go ‘home’. Without that knowledge, there is so often a fear of death and what lies or doesn’t lie ‘beyond the veil’. It seems some religions suggest, quite rightly, how to lead a good life but appear to offer very little information about exactly what happens after this life. We know of the choirs of angels, the possibility of hell and ‘resting in peace’. Most of us would be pleased to find that we ‘rest in eternal action’, the nature and choice of which is up to us and our inclinations. Maybe ‘hell’ doesn’t need to give us concern. An apparently damned soul will no doubt be given the help to reach spiritual heights.

The Pattern

 The pattern of a perfect human being. 

How can you have a perfect human being in an imperfect world?

A soul that has reached a state of perfection no longer needs to reincarnate so a perfect human being walking beside us is not very likely. What would a perfect human being be like?

As there are warring sides to the nature of all of us, how would we recognise this being? If this being is amongst us but not recognised as such, what would be their purpose on earth?

If they do walk amongst us, they probably cloak themselves with a certain amount of frailties to keep a low profile while they fulfil their spiritual potential for the sake of others. We are not likely to recognise their potential. What could be recognised as perfection would probably be despised as being uninvolved in our conflicts.

An idealist entering politics with good intentions becomes disillusioned, no doubt, when realising that dealing with human affairs must be a series of compromising.

If life is a compromise, what would perfection be? Can we describe the pattern of perfection that we would emulate?

The Evolving Of Mankind

The evolving of mankind and spirit.z

Mankind no longer blindly accepts. He has begun to think. This new thinking tends to be on a new white sheet of paper, not an adaptation of traditional thought.

Traditional thought in the Western World was straight-jacketed until Darwin’s theory opened the door to new reasoning…out with the old and now let’s depend entirely on science….but, for a hundred years science didn’t explain the pathway of our spirits, only the living and decaying of our physical bodies.

Now humans can use intuitive thinking without fear of condemnation. Mediumship has openly flourished and we now have a fairly definite picture of the life hereafter.

Those in the know are now inviting science to cooperate with them to eventually produce an even more evidential picture.

Spirit themselves seem to have a different mind-set on arrival. They are learning and exploring and throwing off the debris of contained thought caused by the narrow thinking of established religion.

They are queuing up and eager to transmit new ideas to us through any mediumistic channels reaching out towards them.

 The soul on both sides of the veil can now dabble in the new freedom of learning and communication.

There is a Message

There is a message in everything.

There are obvious messages such as a series of butterflies, feathers, and a robin that stands between your very feet and shows no fear. There is the picture that moves, the telly that switches channels or volume… the item that moves from upstairs to downstairs… the clock that behaves strangely. All these are messages from beyond the veil. There are also subtle understandings between those still living and thought transference and synchronicity or knowledge of things to come. Everything is experienced controlled by the Great Spirit with the help of guides. Many dreams are messages. Illness symptoms are usually messages prompting us to change our way of life. Hook into the processes of your own thoughts and the messages will be many to help you lead a more productive and caring life.

Thoughts of a guide

Thoughts of a spiritual guide.

Experience and wisdom must be passed on or shared with loving intent. The expression of love and that to which it can lead is the only impetus.

Love is there but not given as a gift but is earned through increasing awareness and desire. We all co- operate to bring this about.

Wisdom and love to you.

It is agreed. I am in a position to guide and help. It was arranged. It was agreed… a commitment for a lifetime. I can never let them down. They flounder mostly on their own unless they stumble upon the awareness of the spiritual life.

I stand and wait. In times of great distress I am called upon through appeals to the Godhead. I can plant my advice. It seems a thankless task sometimes but at the end of the life’s   sojourn, they can again meet me with full awareness and be thankful for the help they received.

It is not a patronising position from my standpoint.

It is a co-operation between two souls for the mutual benefit of both.  No soul can reach the end of their ultimate path without melding with and experiencing with others.

Truth From The Other Side

Truths are inescapable facts, not surmise or fanciful imaginings. Sometimes a human has a wish to guide others but takes on a cloak of a newly formulated religious idea or set of ideas. Who is to say that they have tapped into absolute truths or that they are merely feeding their egos and devising a power system to place upon others?

 They can do great harm to the vulnerable seeker. When a person is in trance, how is the listener to ascertain that they are listening to absolute truths from the other side? Could there be a tainting in the pronouncements by the subconscious mind of the medium?

Integrity and honesty should be the intention of all those sitting and this should be insured by all the respective door keepers, however those living this life are subject to good and bad desires.

Hopefully the wisdom of the listener will enable him to discern what facts come through to be of use to his own developing knowledge. Spiritual activities can place a person in a position of power where he can abuse the trust of others. Always ask for protection and integrity before embarking on these methods for seeking after knowledge.

Ultimate Purpose Of Mediumship 

All lives are interwoven. All activities are interwoven. We all together create the vast tapestry of life. All gifts are shared if the owner of the gifts display the results for the enrichment of others. Gifts can be used for self-development, teaching to others or just to use time well to produce a thing of beauty or usefulness. Not all results of talents lead to materialistic items.

Knowledge is to be shared. Surely, psychic gifts are to be developed for the advancement of the self and the helping of others whether they are comforting messages for those bereaved, proof of continued existence or just the sharing of the good feeling of noticing talents well used.


Do not think that those gifted with the ability of mediumship are automatically free of petty or main worries. They are likely to be assailed with those hassles just as much as the rest of us, there is just a further dimension to their mental lives which they are able to use for the service of others.

They too have the usual pathway to follow, the usual uncertainties and illnesses. So mediumship is not escapism, it is the receipt of a gift which, with training, can be used for consolation and upliftment of others.

Life is always a series of ups and downs for all of us.

When we are in the downstate, it is so important to be able to receive support and encouragement from those who might be in a stronger position at the time.

This help might be practical, emotional or healing. To know that all this can be reinforce d by those we have loved who are beyond the veil can definitely be termed upliftment.

Vast Oceans

Vast oceans of knowledge waiting. You only have to ask. You, on the earth plane, cannot realise how eagerly we gather here in groups. It is so much more effort for us to influence you in some way. All you have to do is open your minds and ask us to send through inspiration. There are so many fields in which we work. If we lived scientifically led lives, we still have a burning desire for mankind to stretch himself in that direction and take us with him on a wave of discovery. We so love the power of words and respond to the desire to use poetry or prose. The ultimate realisation of the power of love is usually expressed so well in words.  Also do not forget the common journey we can forge in art and music.

We Are Not So Much Closer

We are not so much closer to that so-called heaven, you know.

The child loses a parent and asks “where are they now?’ In heaven, they are told. What does that mean? An eternal mindless cuddle from a loving being? Does that not become boring?  Does that not lead to wish to ‘move on’, to achieve? We only love that holiday in the sun because there is a finite end to it.   It is escapism from reality and reality is striving to achieve for ourselves or others. Lack of desire to achieve is a withdrawal of the energy of spirit- it must be a form of depression. So an endless state of undefined ‘heaven’ does not seem very appealing… rather to be striving and struggling until maybe we reach a state of withdrawal of our own consciousness forever into a common consciousness of bliss. This is no doubt is beyond the expression of the mortal mind. A great thing to aspire to as long as we are willing to give up our independence through ‘personality’.

We Are Always Here

We are always here. It’s you who come and go.

When do you not need us?

When you are going about your affairs on a daily basis. Then a problem steps in. There are probably at least two courses of action you can take. You feel the wrench of indecision. Are you in the habit of asking us to step in and help?  With most of you that is probably not the case. It can take most of a lifetime even to arrive to the conclusion that you have ever ready guides and helpers.

If there are billions of you alive on earth, consider the vast army of those in   spirit dedicated to trying to influence and help each one of you.

We wish to serve.

We await.

 Call on us.

We Can Make An Atom Bomb

We can make an atom bomb but cannot make a flea …. Quote from Barbanell.

Anyone who has studied biology should be amazed at, for instance, the components and workings of the human body. The complexities of its inner workings, the interdependence of one aspect of the system with another, the assimilation of what we need from food, the chemical messengers, the workings of the muscles…

Humans have managed to clone a sheep but that is inadvertently asking the Great   Spirit   to complete the job, using a starter kit devised by man.

We have invented and produced many glittering artefacts, produced amazing inventions but the basic materials are always usually inorganic.

Nature continues to astound us by the   complexities of the relationship between the construction of a flower and a bee.

Life started with single cell organisms and somehow over millions of years, the Great Spirit introduced more and more complexities. The   surge forward couldn’t   have derived from the desires of nature itself. It had to be organised and produced by a greater intelligence.

Man is the final product and presumably takes his place on the ladder of advancement of spirit as a whole.

What are the Motives…?

What are the motives of the departed souls who communicate with us?

We arrive here in various states of ecstasy, confusion, bewilderment or joy….joy to be met by those deceased persons  who  we used to love….confusion maybe, if we had a traumatic passing or if we asserted through our lifetime that continuation after death was not likely…ecstasy if we believe we have reached the long awaited place which is known as Heaven…bewilderment if we need rest, help or guidance now that we have reached a place of infinite  possibilities.

We have left many behind whom we know are still leading lives of incapacity, illness or strife. We love them and care for their progress and desperately wish to communicate with them to assure them that we all watch over them. We long to give them a taste of the new knowledge which we are now bathing in. We could selfishly opt for a path here, of personal progress but we know it is correct to reach down and push others up with us.

All advanced souls reach down to assist others on the path. We are all one.

What Degree Of Choice…?

What degree of choice in our next incarnation?

For some, no choice at all. They have hardly reached the other side and they find themselves almost instantly propelled back to this world. They are not developed souls yet and lead another life of totally selfish existence. They are the ones who have been considered to be the tyrants of this world whether to a large or small degree.

More developed beings are in a happier position of knowing they have no choice but to reincarnate but are given time to reflect upon what type  of life could be offered to provide them with the best spiritual schoolroom.

 Eventually greater wisdom and compassion has been acquired. Reincarnation can be offered as a means of polishing off the rough edges or as a means of living a life which leads others to a knowledge of love and caring.

Ultimately there is no need to return and the spiritual life is spent helping other souls in spirit or on earth and no doubt a soul is ultimately lifted into higher realms of which we have little knowledge.

There is always a reaching-out for advancement in the realms of love.

People and change

Why are people afraid of change?

It is like being unwilling to step into the classroom. You cannot sit back and hope for life to flow around you without any changes. You would start to complain that life was predictable and boring and stultifying.

Change opens up the possibility of new growth through acceptance, fighting against the odds, knowing that you should not give in but stretch your soul in the progress of the battle.

Change represents growth. Sometimes it is thrust upon us and is obviously a result of karma. Sometimes an inner urge arises to express something new even if through an uncomfortable series of events – a sort of sacrifice- a swapping of comfort and complacency for new experience and growth.

No one can go through life and find they have never been challenged by change – never having to use their resources of courage. A dull mundane a wasted life.

Why Certain Loved Ones…

Why certain loved ones don’t come through.

We would like to declare that there are multifarious conditions concerning the mental state of those who have passed. There cannot be a hard and fast rule that the newly-arrived soul is immediately able to set up communication. There ca be conditions of guilt to overcome or traumatic shock to deal with concerning the passing. It can be lack of certainty concerning the soul’s acceptance of where he or she is and what should or couldn’t be undertaken next. Some souls need a long ‘sleep’ of recovery from the stresses of the previous life or of the pain and manner of passing or even from the disbelief of the acceptance of a continuing soul life. The newly disembodied often have to wait for connections and power to be given or taught to them to enable them to penetrate the dense fog caused by the varying vibrations of the levels of existence both earthly and heavenly. Some are unable to connect with the psyche of particular mediums and have to wait for more advantageous conditions. There are some not so developed souls who are in a darkish world awaiting and asking for help to deal with their own past and present problems. Even the desire to connect with loved ones may not yet have arisen. Some arrive here with notions of what they were taught in the earthly life as to what ‘heaven’ constitutes and are unable for some time to step outside their mental straight jacket of doctrinal belief. Many of us help and we are aware of the desires to communicate by those in spirit and by those in earthly bodies. Have patience.

What Impact…

What impact do our previous lives have on our current lives 

If a person dies, leaving behind an unfulfilled ambition, then surely that ambition has to be realised before the soul can move on unfettered.

Must recognition of a talent be realised only on earth and why cannot heavenly conditions allow the same progress?

To be soul-fulfilled, must a Mozart or a constable be temporarily encased in a mortal body?

Possibly the results of their talents are needed to be appreciated by other mortals for their development.

Does the music of a Mozart have more impact on a human being than it does on those souls residing in the spheres above?

Why Doesn’t Society…

Why doesn’t society venerate old age?

When an astonishingly overt very old person passes, we are aware of it and their achievements. The humour of a Ken Dodd or the brains of a physicist… The achievements of the average old person are usually not so obvious so they can be mentally written off as having been personalities of little account. But they hold knowledge of the history of living through a world war or wearily trudging through an existence of poverty. All old people in a home should have a book of life next to them and the younger ones should be keen to fill these books with memories. Relative financial security has separated family generations. What young couple would be willing to live amongst those who are older and possibly demanding or tedious when they could live in freedom as only a couple in an apartment? Who is to say that the spirit of being alive is   more important in a young person is more important than in an old one? Who is to judge the value of any one life against another? As a spiritualist, though, I am always heartened to hear the grandparent connection in spirit to a grandchild can be so strong. How aware are we, when out and about of the strong bond between grandparents and grandchildren? I always wonder why my grandchildren love to be in my apparently boring surroundings.

Why Is Consciousness…

Why is consciousness rising and can it make the world a better place.

Is the world meant to be a better place?  Is not the world the place where we expect to learn lessons through the fact that we are surrounded by negativity?

Nevertheless if we arrive with a higher consciousness and no longer need to learn harsh lessons, then the world could be a place where we could become refined.

Our present day mind set would find it hard to understand the thinking and outlook of a man in historical or prehistorical times.

There seems to be regression to that mind set in some part of the world and those with finer minds need to consider the tribulations of those living under those conditions.

Maybe the old ways of experiencing Karmic conditions are only one aeroplane flight away.

Would It Be Possible…

Would it be possible for the two worlds to join?

In other words, will creation of souls and the merging of old souls into Great Spirit ever cease?

We who write through you do not have ultimate, infinite knowledge. We too are on a ladder of learning.

At the present time, in your time centred way of thinking, it does not seem possible, as it has been established that there are barriers between each plane or level caused by different rates of vibration of the life force.

The psyches or mind sensitivities of those on each level are protected from the shock of trying to deal with the vibrational results of too much knowledge coming through from planes above. Spiritualists are working within raised vibrations from the human minds and lowered vibrations of those in the next plane above the earth plane.

Those on the first plane, in terms of physics, have the same situation to deal with when asking for more contact from the plane above them. We can but ask and hope to be in a situation where we can provide clearer answers to some of your questions.

Trial Or Trail

Do you look back on your life and picture it as an endless succession of trials which you have had to endure or do you look at all those major and minor hiccups and see they were meant to be? They toughened you up, you overcame obstacles, and you did not flag and seek to leave the gritty path that you were traversing. Then let us suppose that all these trials were not as they seemed to be… they were incidents left on your trail for you to deal with.

We all in life have a trail that we were destined to follow. It might for some represent a fairly smooth path and for others it is littered with obstacles and rocks. Whatever our path or destiny, we cannot step off it in avoidance. That is not fulfilling the potential progress that you can make in this lifetime. It is failing and falling by the wayside. Somewhere or somehow, these obstacles will appear again and will have to be faced.

Life is not meant to be a picnic at the side of the path, it is meant to be fulfilling what needs to be undertaken or following your personal trail.

May there still be joys and laughs along the journey.

Ultimate Purpose Of Mediumship

All lives are interwoven. All activities are interwoven. We all together create the vast tapestry of life. All gifts are shared if the owner of the gifts display the results for the enrichment of others. Gifts can be used for self-development, teaching to others or just to use time well to produce a thing of beauty or usefulness. Not all results of talents lead to materialistic items.

Knowledge is to be shared. Surely, psychic gifts are to be developed for the advancement of the self and the helping of others whether they are comforting messages for those bereaved, proof of continued existence or just the sharing of the good feeling of noticing talents well used.